Saturday, August 1, 2009

Here a blog, there a blog

Over a delicious dinner at the Dragon King's Daughter tonight, Neil and I discussed how we had each become as sophisticated as we are (which admittedly is not all that sophisticated) about food and beverage. Since I grew up in Shelbyville (which has a real lack of good restaurants, a few exceptions notwithstanding) and was raised by people who aren't particularly adventurous eaters or enthusiastic drinkers, I didn't really start learning about this stuff until I was around 22. We talked about the friends who turned us on to different ethnic cuisines, to beer, to wine. In the midst of this conversation, Neil expressed his disappointment that I had more or less discontinued Blog Tartare. "You really had something with that," he said.

"I did?"

"Yeah. You love to write, and you love to eat and cook."

These things are true. I recently started blogging over at Squarespace and have been using a Blog Tartare category there for my food entries. And that's nice. But I do sort of miss Blog Tartare. I miss its cute background. And I think it has a lot of potential as a food blog, as opposed to mixing my food entries in with other stuff in a regular blog. And Neil and I have certain projects in mind (finding the best banana split in the Louisville area, eating our way up and down Bardstown Road, etc.) that really deserve to be done on Blog Tartare. Now that I'm a full-time freelance writer (whoa!) I have more time for blogging, which also helps.

So... here I am again. Hopefully for the foreseeable future. Welcome back!


Tabetha said...

Yay! I miss Blog Tartare, too!

l said...

Me too. I heart Blog Tartare.

Erin said...

Aww, thanks guys! That's encouraging! :)