Monday, April 12, 2010

Blog Recommendation

My friend Amanda started a blog called Happy Introvert a while back. While I was very excited when she announced this because she is an awesome person and a great writer, I forgot to add it to my Google Reader and then I forgot about it entirely. Oops! Fortunately, she just tweeted about her latest entry, and I re-remembered the blog (and immediately subscribed to the RSS). And man! Amanda has been busy! Although Happy Introvert isn't strictly a food blog, she does a lot of posts (with lots of photos!) about vegan cooking. And even though I'm not vegan, I'm all about reducing my intake of animal products, so I'm totally interested in these yummy-sounding recipes. You should check her out!


Amanda said...

Aw, thanks for the shout-out!! If my blog is half as cool and well-written as yours, I'll be very happy:)

Erin said...

That's sweet, Amanda, thank you! :)